Parish of Carstairs

including the village of Carstairs the village of Ravenstruther, and most of Carstairs Junction .

MAP & INDEX of all parishes.

CARSTAIRS, village and parish in upper ward of Lanarkshire. The village stands about a mile north of Carstairs Junction, occupies the site of the Caledonian and Roman town Coria, and has a post office under Lanark, a parochial church, and a public school with about 170 scholars. —The parish contains also Ravenstruther village and most of Carstairs Junction. Its length is 7 ¼ miles ; its greatest breadth 3 miles; its area 9820 acres. Real property in 1880-81, £15,737. Pop. 1955. The Clyde bounds the south-east end, and Mouse rivulet crosses the interior. The land is diversified by multitudes of sand knolls, of exceedingly various shape and size. Carstairs House, adjacent to the Clyde, is a chief feature. The Gazetteer of Scotland, by Rev John Wilson, 1882.

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