Parish of Carmichael

including the villages of Carmichael, Douglas Water, Ponfeigh, and parts of Rigside.

MAP & INDEX of all parishes.

CARMICHAEL, parish in upper ward of Lanarkshire. Its post town in Thankerton. Its length is nearly 6 miles; its greatest breadth 5¼ miles; its area 11,315 acres. Real property in 1880-81, £9091. Pop.770. The surface include part of Tinto Mountain, and descends thence, with much diversity of hill and vale, to the rivers Clyde and Douglas. The rocks include excellent coal and limestone. Carmichael House helonged to the Earl of Hyndford, and is now a seat of Sir W.C.J. Carmichael Anstruther, Bart. The public school has about 56 scholars. The Gazetteer of Scotland, by Rev John Wilson, 1882.

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