Cattaneo, Lanark Airshow

Year: 1910

A postcard signed by Cattaneo, an Italian aviator who flew at the Lanark Airshow in 1910. It is one of a group of signed cards that are of aviators who flew at Lanark. Most of the cards are Lanark related.

Cattaneo was a hit with the ladies. Indeed, he was mobbed by his female admirers at the Clydesdale Hotel on Saturday August 13th 1910, the last event of the airshow.

Cattaneo won the distance record at Lanark; he flew 141 miles in 3 hours and 11 minutes. For this, he was presented with prize money. He also tried to break the speed record but only managed just over 56 miles an hour. Incidentally, the lowest flying speed at Lanark was 24 miles an hour.

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