Welcome to Clydesdale's Heritage

Clydesdale's HeritageWelcome to Clydesdale's Heritage, a project aimed at encouraging all people to take an active interest in the heritage and history of the Clydesdale area.

This website is one of several initiatives from Lanark and District Archaeology Society (LADAS) to encourage engagement with the history of the region. The project includes lecture programmes, fieldwalks, cataloguing artefacts, inspiring school pupils during talks and presentations, and working with like-minded organisations – with the end goal being to record and preserve the heritage of Clydesdale.

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Welcome to Climpy

Climpy Lime Works


An Early Industry and a Beautiful Bing. The road from Forth to Climpy winds its way across a windswept moorland landscape that bears the scars of a long history of…

Index of parishes in the upper ward of Lanarkshire


Throughout most of the 19th century, the upper ward of Lanarkshire comprised of twenty parishes. Follow these links to explore stories and records from each parish:

Parish of Biggar


including the town of Biggar, and village of Candy Mill. MAP & INDEX of all parishes. BIGGAR, rivulet of Lanarkshire and Peeblesshire, and town and parish on south-east border of…

Normangill Henge, a railway and some fungus


Normangill has been described as one of Scotland’s best examples of a henge. The oval bank and internal ditch measures 60m at its largest part, with two diametrically opposed entrances…

Postcard showing road near Midlock farm

The Little Train to Camps Reservoir


Detail of postcard showing the road from Camps looking towards Midloch Farm. The rails beside the road appear disused, so the photo was presumable taken in the 1930’s From a…

ash tree and ghost

The Haunted Ash of Lampits


The Carnwath correspondent of the Hamilton Advertiser seems to have had an unusual interest in all things uncanny and supernatural. The weekly column of village news reported the usual mix…

The Lampits Float


“Out of Date and Inadvisable from any Standpoint” A little ferry boat once plied the Clyde between the parishes of Pettinain and Carnwath. The source of all manner of adventures…

Elvanfoot’s Garden of Eden


In less safety-conscious days, children often played beside (and sometimes in) the River Clyde. In this detail from a postcard from about 1910, youngsters enjoy a paddle in the river…

The Poles in Clydesdale During World War II – a story of courage

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Since I came to live in Clydesdale, I have been conscious of the important contribution that the Polish Army made in World War II and I feel that this has…

Some snapshots of Lanark in 1929


Below is a small sample of photos which appeared in the “Pictorial Review, 1929“, published by the Hamilton Advertiser. Any information about the individuals, places, or organisations shown in these…

Sir Simon MacDonald Lockhart, Lee Castle and Lanark


The Lockhart family, one of the best known names in the area, owned extensive lands and property throughout Clydesdale, Lanarkshire and part of Midlothian, dating back over 700 years ago…

Be sure and secure a copy of “The Cartland Quotations Book”


In an article on 08 July, 1916, the Carluke and Lanark Gazette urged all its readers to “Be sure and secure a copy of “The Cartland Quotation Book“. Few people…